Mexican Christmas traditions
We’ve talked about the overall happenings at Christmas in Mexico, but today we’ll talk about a few of the traditions and how you can incorporate that into your holiday celebrations to make the end of this year one to remember.
Mexican Christmas Traditions
Between December 16th and 24th, children often perform the 9 “Posada” processions. Posada comes from the Spanish word meaning “Inn” or “Lodging”. This tradition stems from the Catholic/Christian influences from the Christmas story. Where Joseph and Mary search for a place to stay for the birth of Jesus.
During this time, homes are decorated with evergreens, moss, and paper lanterns. Children are given candles and a board holding painted clay figured of Joseph and Mary on a donkey. On the final night, a manger scene is placed on the board. And they go from home to home singing songs about Mary and Joseph’s journey.
Upon entering homes, the children say prayers and thanks before the partying with food, games, and fireworks begin. Each night features a different home holding the party and receiving children. At the final Posada, a baby Jesus is placed in the manger to represent the birth of Christ. And all families involved will attend a midnight Mass.
Piñata for the Posada
At the Posada, a piñata may be present. It is usually a ball with seven spikes or peaks around it (representing the 7 sins) but animals or other shapes may be present as well.
This comes from the word meaning “shepherds.” Pastorelas are a type of play telling the story of the shepherds trying to find the baby Jesus—in a humorous tone. They often include tales of temptation attempted by the devil, but the shepherds find their way, in the end, to be where they meant to.
This year, get your neighbors involved (especially the children) and teach them the story of Christmas using the tradition of the Posadas. At the parties on each of the 9 nights, you can incorporate new and interesting food. Or stick to more traditional menus. You can also bring in a Mariachi band for a fun and upbeat entertainment venue. Our performers would love to see little angelic children singing the songs of Mary and Joseph’s travels and then play traditional Mexican Christmas songs (and even some more westernized songs if you want) to keep everyone having fun the whole night.
Act now and get great prices and a guaranteed Mariachi band for your party! If you want, hire us for all nine nights! Get the neighborhood together and it’ll be more than affordable- it’d be foolish not to hire a Mariachi band for your Christmas related festivities this year. While you’re at it, ask about Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Day openings.
Feel free to adopt these practices to add some cultural spice to your celebrations this year. It is a fresh wholesome way to go about your holiday. It’ll make for interesting family photos.